Strangers Sent From God

There will never be a time when Christians are in a hopeless situation. Circumstances may look bleak, but our sovereign Father can change our situation in a split second. Maybe you face a problem for which you believe there is no answer.

Recognizing Your Father’s Voice

For the first five years of my married life, my parents lived outside the United States. I knew the date they were to return home and looked forward to that day with great anticipation. I missed them and couldn’t wait to see them. One day, months before the time...

When Belief is Really Doubt

“I haven’t seen God answer my prayer yet, but I’m still believing Him for the answer.” I often hear this statement made as I minister in churches. I understand the expression and have even made it myself at times. There are times we do...

How to Stay Happily Married

Lord, send me a good looking girlfriend.” This was my constant prayer. Forget the war in Vietnam, racial tensions at home, or a hotel called Watergate. When I was sixteen years old, those things paled to insignificance compared to my desire for a girlfriend. My...

Archie Bunker and God

In the popular 1970’s television series, All In The Family, there was an episode where Archie Bunker discovered he had accidentally locked himself in his basement on a cold winter morning. His family members were all gone for the day and the only thing Archie...