What Do You See?

What Do You See?

God seems to enjoy “show and tell.” He often will point to specific things in our daily lives and use them as an object lesson to communicate a truth to us. It happened in the Bible on numerous occasions.

God once asked Jeremiah, “What do you see?” The prophet answered, “I see a boiling pot.” God answered, “And that’s how evil is going to boil over on the inhabitants of the land” (Jeremiah 1:11). Another time, God said to him, “What do you see?” “I see figs,” Jeremiah answered, “good figs, very good, and bad figs, which cannot be eaten due to rottenness” (24:3). God went on to tell His prophet that those figs represented the way that He was going to work in the circumstances of His people.

Do you remember the time that God took Jeremiah to “the potter’s house” and spoke to him through the potter’s wheel? (See Jeremiah 18) Then there was the time that the Lord asked Amos what he saw when he was looking at a plumb line. (See Amos 7:8) The Lord went on to show Amos His plans through what he saw. And then there was Zechariah. The Lord showed him a lamp stand and went on to explain how it showed that it is “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:2-6).

What do you see as you move through your day? You probably have experienced your Father speaking to you through the Bible many times, but have you heard Him speak to you through the day to day activities of your life? The world is His pulpit and He will speak to you in many ways, if your heart and eyes are open.

May our eyes be opened to see Him in the details of our work days, in the specifics of our leisure time, in all the circumstances of our lives. Without a doubt, your Father has some things He wants to show you and teach you. What do you see? May He open our eyes and ears so that we don’t miss a thing He wants to show us!

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