Why God??

Why God??

Sometimes God makes no sense to me. I simply can’t understand why He allows certain things to happen in our lives. Recently, two friends experienced a horrible tragedy. This couple was driving down the Interstate when the driver of another car on the opposite side of the Interstate fell asleep, crossed the median and slammed head on into their car. The wife (Roxanne) was instantly killed and Greg was seriously injured.

I have prayed often for these friends, but to be honest, I have wondered, “why?” Why would God allow a young couple with two children to experience such a horrible event? Why didn’t He alter the course of their trip by ten seconds, thus saving her life? Why would He allow their two children to face such a horror? Why would the parents of this godly lady be required to endure the worst nightmare of any parent – the death of their own child? Why?

At times, I have stood with Job when he said, “If only I could go to His (God’s) dwelling! I would state my case before him and fill my mouth with arguments. I would find out what He would answer me” (Job 23:3-5). I was thinking to myself one evening, “It just doesn’t make sense.”

The next day I was talking to Greg’s dad. Greg had been in a coma for weeks, but had recently awakened. When he regained coherence, his dad had the solemn responsibility of telling him that his wife had died. He told me how that, with tears in his eyes, he told his son that his wife had not survived. “How did he respond?” I asked. I expected to hear the worst, but the answer was nothing like I expected.

Upon hearing that his wife had died, Greg looked downward. Tears began to flow down his cheeks and with a quivering voice, he answered, “God is sovereign and He doesn’t have to ask me.” God is sovereign! How could a man say such a thing at a time like that? Nobody can fake it at those kind of moments. That kind of answer isn’t natural; it’s supernatural. There can only be one explanation for such an answer – grace. God’s grace is divine enablement experienced only by the life of Christ within us.

Job said that if he could find where God lived, he would ask for an answer. When I heard what Greg had said, I realized that God was speaking from where He lives today – inside Greg. (He lives inside all believers. See 1 Corinthians 3:16). God spoke through him. Jesus expressed Himself as Greg’s faith, strength and comfort in that moment.

Will he grieve the loss of his wife? Of course. Yet He will not sorrow as others which have no hope. (See 1 Thessalonians 4:13) Jesus will continue to be his life as he passes through this dark valley. I saw Jesus dressed up in Greg and He stunned me with His beauty.

Do people see Jesus in me? Do they see Jesus in you? That’s what the grace walk is all about. It’s Christ being Himself in us and through us in every situation of life. Otherwise, it’s all just religious babble. We each will certainly face difficult circumstances at one time or another, but to know Christ as our Life will sustain us through anything.

That truth is the message I want to spend my lifetime both living and sharing with others. I pray for you as you live this Life too. May He empower you in every situation as you live a supernatural life of grace. Be encouraged today – God is sovereign over every detail of your life .

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